Brand: Xeno US
Product Code: Methenolone Acetate
Availability: In Stock
Ex Tax: $90.00

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient:Methenolone Acetate
Pack:10 Mg /50 tabs

What is Primobolan?

Primobolan or primo, as it is more often known, is a performance-enhancing drug which has been on the market since the ’60s. Primo has often been overlooked due to its mild gains and expensive price tag, however, when used at higher doses it does offer great gains in lean muscle.

Many people who prefer to run cycles with minimal side effects prefer the subtle, yet effective, gains that come when running a Primobolan cycle. Users can often expect to make small gains, with the majority being lean muscle with little to no water retention.

The enanthate ester attached to Primobolan give it a release cycle similar to other enanthate bound steroids like testosterone E. The most effective administration cycle is injecting twice per week for the duration of the cycle.

Methenolone enanthate, Primo, is an extremely versatile steroid and can be stacked amongst many, if not all, performance-enhancing drugs. It can be used with cutting and bulking cycles, however, given its cost most people will run it pre-contents or pre-summer for regular gym-goers.

The mild nature of Primo makes it a great option for people who are more susceptible to side effects, especially estrogen-based. Primo should not convert to estro and as such should present little to no effects on people sensitive to estrogen sides.

Androgenic Rating: 44-57

Anabolic Rating: 88

Methenolone enanthate is manufactured by UGLs and is also available in pharma grade. The strength can vary from lab to lab, however, it is most commonly found in a dose of 100mg/ml.

How Much Does Primobolan Cost?

Primobolan is one of the most expensive PEDs on the market. The cost of raws and limited availability makes it much sought after and also drives up the price.

An average price range for purchasing from an underground lab can be from £45 per 10ml vial up to £75.

What Does a Primo Cycle Look Like?

Primo cycles are usually very mild. Commonly, Primo is run alongside testosterone for around 12 weeks. Many people do prefer running primo for longer durations, to make the most out of this mild steroid.

The high costs and limited availability of primo make it a bit of a struggle when deciding on how much and how long to run. More often than not anyone planning a cycle may opt to just run higher testosterone or deca alongside instead of spending the extra money on Primo.

There is also the problem of Primo being available only in a dose of 100mg/ml. That means for a significant cycle the user would need around 4-5ml per week, plus to see a return in gains to make it worthwhile. That can push costs of running a 12-week cycle up to and over £500 – £800.

As with anything to do with performance-enhancing drugs, not everything works for everyone. It is important to listen to your body and see what works for you. 

Active Substance Methenolone Acetate
Form Oral

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